Hard Chrome Replacement2: Why FortiPhy™ XVD is the Eco-friendly Solution


David Bell



May 29, 2024

Hard Chrome Replacement:

Why FortiPhy™ XVD is the eco-friendly solution

Hard chrome coatings have been associated with substantial environmental and health hazards for many years, necessitating a shift towards greener alternatives, and Phygen is leading the way.


David Bell


May 29, 2024

Understanding the Limitations of Hard Chrome Coatings

The move away from traditional hard chrome coatings is a significant stride toward embracing sustainable practices in surface enhancement techniques. Leading this change is Phygen’s FortiPhy™ XVD technology, which stands out as a leading eco-friendly hard chrome replacement for sustainable surface enhancement.

Hard chrome coatings pose significant environmental and health risks. The key issue lies in their production process, which involves hexavalent chromium, a highly toxic compound known for its carcinogenic properties.

Exposure to hexavalent chromium poses serious health risks to workers, including:

  • Lung cancer
  • Asthma
  • Damage to the kidneys and liver.

Even minute amounts can have devastating impacts on health. Furthermore, improper handling or disposal can contaminate soil and water, posing severe environmental hazards. These concerns have led to stringent regulatory measures, particularly in the European Union. The EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) legislation has severely restricted the use of hexavalent chromium.

Under REACH, any substance of serious concern (like hexavalent chromium) requires authorization for use, which is only granted if no safer alternative is available and if socio-economic benefits outweigh the risks.

Given these regulations, the reliance on hard chrome coatings is increasingly untenable, especially when safer, more sustainable alternatives like FortiPhy™ technology are available.

A True Scientific Breakthrough

In contrast to hard chrome, FortiPhy™ XVD technology offers more than a quantum leap in endurance; it is perhaps the only environmentally responsible alternative for surface enhancement that doesn’t compromise on performance. In fact, it improves it.

FortiPhy™ XVD goes beyond conventional cathodic arc technologies by utilizing magnetic fields to increase ionization efficiency. This increases plasma density while accelerating the enhanced plasma collectively by means of an electromagnetic force. The result? Stronger adhesion, superb crystalline structure, denser coating with fewer defects and exceptional mechanical properties. Altogether, the FortiPhy™ XVD process results in a surface that is harder and more wear-resistant and exhibits increased resilience to corrosion and surface damage.


FortiPhy™ XVD vs Hard Chrome:

A comparison of enviromental impact

Health Risks High – Hexavalent Chromium used in hard chrome coatings is a known carcinogen that poses serious health risks. None – The FortiPhy™ XVD process does not involve the use of carcinogenic or toxic substances.
Environmental Hazard High – Improper disposal of waste materials containing Hexavalent Chromium can contaminate soil and water. None – FortiPhy™ XVD creates no hazardous waste that could lead to soil or water contamination.
Regulation Compliance Challenging – The use of Hexavalent Chromium is heavily restricted under [EU/REACH regulations] Easy – FortiPhy™ XVD is fully compliant with environmental regulations, including EU/REACH.
Resource Consumption High – Hard chrome plating requires significant energy and water. Low – FortiPhy™ XVD process is more energy-efficient and requires significantly less water.
Waste Generation High – The hard chrome process generates substantial hazardous waste. Low – FortiPhy™ XVD technology results in minimal waste generation.